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Here you will find a large selection of Goalie Catchers from famous brands such as Bauer, CCM and Warrior. In our wide range you will find Goalies for all users from children to seniors and in different colours.
Your hand should fit properly and your fingers should not be more than 1 cm over. This makes it easier to open and close the catch glove.
Game-ready is pretty much any model you find in a shop. This means that it should be easier to open and close right from the start.
Make sure to hang up the glove so it can dry. Avoid placing it at the bottom of the bag to prevent it from getting squeezed and losing its shape.
To make it softer, it can be helpful to sit and repeatedly open and close it.
There are many different Catchers to choose from. Today's Catchers are lighter and easier to pick right off the shelf than they were a few years ago. This is thanks to new materials. The most important thing is that it sits well in your hand and that you can steady it under your own steam. The difference between the Catchers is the angle at which they are held. Some you pinch so that you squeeze it and others so that you bring your fingers to your hand. What's best for you is up to you.